Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Le Tour

Guess who forgot to join the Tour de Fleece yet again this year? Yup. I always do this kind of thing...get excited and promptly forget. But that doesn't mean I'm not spinning! Still spinning every day, though that's pretty usual. I figured Hey! I'll just be a late joiner. No big woo. But it turns out the Tour forum on Ravelry has nearly 3,000 members and the threads are eons long. So I think I'll keep track of my yarns on the blog here and pretend in my little fantasy world that I'm another treadler in the Tour.

So without further adieu, here's what I've been working during these first few days...

Monday, July 5, 2010


Well, I should probably post all about the Estes Park Wool Market Sheep-to-Shawl contest (SPOILER! We didn't win, though the shawl is lovely & I'm really proud of us), but I'm a lazypants.

So. Here's a little pic of what I did during one of my days off back in maybe April.

Pretty colors! :D