Friday, July 1, 2011

Gearing up...

Boom! Two posts in one day! That's right!

This one is more of an organizational mini-post, though. Tour de Fleece starts tomorrow, and I need to get all my ducks in a row. YEEEEEHAW!

Teams for TdF 2011:

- Sprinters (don't plan on spinning lace, necessarily, but I'll be spinning a LOT)
- Breakaways (whooooo, art yarns!)
- Team Raw Power (starting from 1 lb. of raw fleece)
- Team A Spinner's Study (spin something I've never spun before; in my case, Gulf Coast Native)
- Team Louet (I heart my Victoria)
- Team FAYS (fiber artists and yarn spinners - originally a Facebook group)
- Team Cloudlover (gotta support one of my fave indie dyers!)
- Team Tour de Batt (it's all about the carding)
- informal Team Hobbledehoy

...and...because I must,
- Team Hopelessly Overcommitted. And yes. I am.

Honestly? I'd love to join more teams, like some of the funky weird and/or nerdy ones. But much as I'd really like to be on Team Browncoats or Team Winter is Coming or Team Sparkle Ho, I'm full up. Like for realz. If I manage to keep up with the photography for all of this, it will be a freakin' miracle.

I've got a basket o' fibers ready to should see me through at least a week or two. I hope!

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